Social Media Do’s and Don’ts for Sorority Recruitment

If you’re reading this, your daily routine is more than likely full of Instagram stories, Tweets, Snapchats, Pins and much, much more. Social media is a HUGE part of our lives and is a great way to keep connected with others! It’s a source for funny cat memes, celebrity baby news, fashion inspiration and everything in between. We’re so lucky to live in a world with social media, but we also have to be careful about how we use it.

Social media allows you the freedom to showcase exactly who you are in a way that is unique to you! Sororities DO look at your social media accounts prior to recruitment to gain a little more insight into your personality and to make sure that what you are posting aligns with their values. However, it’s NOT about how many followers you have or your popularity online. It’s about who you are and how you choose to show it!

So what should you be posting and what shouldn’t you be putting out there in light of sorority recruitment? Check out our social media Do’s and Don’ts below!

DO: Untag yourself from unwanted photos/posts

Sorority sisters sitting next to each other blowing bubbles

Unfortunately, you don’t have control over everything that’s posted about you online, but you do have the power to make some adjustments! Untag yourself from any pictures or posts that someone else adds of you that you don’t want showing up on your profile. This is a really simple first step toward getting your accounts to look the way you want them to!

 DON’T: Post anything that you wouldn’t want your grandma to see

Sorority greek lettered mug next to laptop on table

While you may think social media is something only your close friends will be looking at, what you post lives on the internet for everyone to find. Sororities, and even future employers, can see what you post, so you want to make sure that what you are posting is 100% appropriate. This means NO alcohol, NO revealing photos and NO obscene language. Your grandma does NOT want to see that! And sororities (and the alum on the receiving end of your sorority packets) definitely do not either.

 DO: Manage your privacy settings

Three sorority sisters holding each other close while posing

Everyone can see what you put online, so it is important to adjust your settings and make your account more private and safe. Although it is okay to have your accounts set to public, it’s best to avoid listing any personal information. Be sure to remove any addresses, phone numbers or contact information from your social media accounts. Sororities will already have all of this info once you register for recruitment, so you so you don’t need to put it online for others to see!

DON’T: Be someone you’re not online

Tablet with sorority quote pulled up

It can be easy to get caught up in the social media bubble and share things that aren’t true to who you are. Just as it’s important to be yourself during recruitment, you should be yourself on social media! You shouldn’t try to fit a certain mold to get into your top choice sorority. Keep sharing things that are authentically you and have fun with it!

 DO: Share exciting aspects of your life and your accomplishments

Portrait of girl posing in white dress

Senior portrait by Love, Me Photography

Your social media pages are a chance to let others know what’s going on in your world. Did you just win a dance competition? Have you started volunteering somewhere? Are you learning to play the piano? Sharing these life moments is essentially like extending your resume online and letting sororities know a little more about you! Share these exciting times to your feed or as Instagram stories and then pin them to your highlights. There are so many ways to showcase all the amazing things that make you, you! 

Before sorority recruitment, take some time to look over your social media accounts and make sure they are an accurate reflection of your character. In this day and age, social media does have an impact, and what you put out there reflects who you are as a person. Be social and be YOU!

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