What Can a Sorority do for me Post-Grad?

Sorority girls posing together holding large colorful balloons

After spending four years making incredible memories with lifelong friends-turned-sisters, it can be difficult to end your time as an active sorority member and begin a new chapter. While you may not be going to formals or having slumber parties in your Greek house anymore, a sorority can still do so much for you post-grad! It’s important to remember that Greek life isn’t just a four-year experience, it’s a forever one.


Sorority sisters walking together on campus with turquoise tinted clothing and background

 For most people, the “G” word is associated with job searching, career building and the start of adulthood. While “graduation” calls for celebration and excitement, it can also be a stressful time with a lot of change. Being a part of a sorority post-grad means continuing to have meaningful connections with individuals across the country and the world. You never know if a current or former sorority member knows someone who can help you land your dream job, or if a company you are applying to has a sorority alumna who will help you out through the interview process. A sorority connection can be a great networking tool to help you achieve your goals! 


Girls posing in front of sorority house with balloons

Sororities hold you accountable for staying on track with your grades, studying, volunteering, and taking the initiative to pursue what you're passionate about while you’re in school. Whether you are on your sorority’s executive board or not, being in a sorority helps you gain leadership skills that will last a lifetime! 

 After graduation, you will still have the opportunity to maintain those leadership skills by participating in regional or even national sorority organizations. There are local alumni chapters for sororities located in every major city, such as the Alpha Delta Pi Dallas Alumnae Association, the Chi Omega Downtown Chicago Alumnae Chapter, and many more! These organizations host meet-ups and are a great way to maintain connections with alum and active members in your area. Through this experience, you can help girls who were in your shoes grow the same way you did and meet new people along the way! 


 A large part of sorority life involves volunteering and raising money for an organization that is sure to become near and dear to your heart. Even after you graduate, you can get involved with the national philanthropy of your organization or donate your time to something new. These organizations frequently plan service days  and volunteer trips that alumnae are more than welcome to take part in. It will always be important to give back—and it’s possible to have fun while doing so even after graduation! 


Woman wearing white cloths posing on top of university sign

 Joining a sorority means gaining a group of strong women who have your back through it all. Those girls you spent countless hours clapping and chanting with during recruitment and binge watching The Bachelor with don’t just go away after four years. These women will be bridesmaids in your wedding, advice givers during tough times, and are forever sisters.

Post-grad sorority life also allows you the chance to stay involved with alumnae chapters wherever you are in the country. This offers you the opportunity to connect with your sorority after college and meet different people who share similar values with you. There really are sisters all across the globe waiting to meet you!

A sorority is more than just something to be a part of during college—it is an organization that makes a permanent impact on your future. Like everything in life, you get out what you put in. Stay connected to your sorority post-grad to discover the true meaning of Greek life! 

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