It's still early in the year, we know. But we can't over-emphasize the importance of using the first two months of 2021 to do some serious information-gathering and prep work for sorority recruitment. The more prepared you are, the less stressed you'll be when deadlines start hitting later in the spring. Here's what your January-February should look like if you want to stay ahead of the game AND sane while prepping for recruitment!
Identify your local Alumnae Panhellenic organization. Search "Alumnae Panhellenic [Your City]" on Google to find the organization nearest to you, then register yourself on their website. The women who are members of these organizations can help provide you with crucial letters of recommendation, so make sure you get in the system as soon as possible! Texas girls, be sure to take a peek at our Dallas-Fort Worth and Austin-Houston directories.
Make plans to attend your local Panhellenic's recruitment information meeting. Sometimes called "Greek Meets" or "Recruitment Forums," these meetings usually take place in January or February, and they always provide invaluable information about the recruitment process (from terminology, to best practices during recruitment, to the ins and outs of Greek life, and more). Attending will ensure you're as informed and prepared as possible...always a good thing!
Clean up your social media accounts. Sororities will look you up during recruitment, and there's a good chance that the alumnae writing your letters of recommendation will do the same. Before you even think about sending your sorority packets out the door, take a close look at your social media profiles and make sure that every image and caption posted is a good representation of your character.
Make a list of all of the sorority alumnae you know personally. Was mom a Theta? Is your boyfriend's sister a Pi Phi? Was your aunt a Tri Delt? Make a list of all of the women you know with Greek affiliations, and start asking if they would be willing to sponsor you. Although you're probably not ready to start sending out packets at this point, it's never too early to start gathering names and addresses for your "rec letter" list. Ideally, you will be able to gather at least one letter of recommendation from a former member of every sorority represented on your college campus. If you don't personally know a Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Chi Omega, or someone from another house on your campus, your local Alumnae Panhellenic organization should be able to help you get in touch with a woman who's willing to take on the task.
Update your resume. Include any new awards and honors you gained during the fall semester, and don't forget to update your GPA, class rank, and community service information. Learn more about what information should be included on a sorority resume here.
- Draft a cover letter. A cover letter should be included with every Recruitment Information Packet you send. Eventually your cover letter(s) will need to be personalized and addressed to each of the women who have agreed to write you a letter of recommendation, but for now, just focus on getting a generic first draft down on paper. We've created a free Word Doc template for you to help you get started!
Whew! That’s a lot of information! We know how busy this season can be, so let's get you on the fast-track to sorority success. Click to download that FREE cover letter template we mentioned—the color palette and text can be edited using Microsoft Word, and we've even included sample verbiage for you!
Want even more? Click the button below to snag our FREE comprehensive pre-recruitment checklist. Enjoy!
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