This tutorial/mini Q&A is for two groups of people:
1. Those of you who purchased one of our sorority packet designs but opted to handle the formatting yourself.
2. Those of you who chose to have us format your resume and would like more information about how to reuse your digital design files in the future!
Even if you don't belong to one of the two groups we just described, keep reading. We've rounded up some adorable free fonts that you can download for any creative project, from formatting your own sorority resume + cover letter to creating an adorable personal stationery suite...and beyond!
Everyone who purchases one of our complete sorority packets—even those who choose to have us format their resume and handle their printing—receives a digital set of their design files (PDFs). Among these files: 3 versions of blank letterhead embellished with your customized header.
There are so many things that you can do with these design files, y'all! You can use them to:
- Run off copies of your cover letter that are personally addressed to each alumna on your recommendation list.
- Create a completely new version of your resume after recruitment that's geared toward obtaining a job, internship, or scholarship.
- Print blank copies of your customized letterhead and use the sheets for writing notes and letters. Hello, personal stationery set!
Now, for you Group 1 people...let's talk about how to digitally merge your blank design files from with your sorority resume and/or cover letter verbiage! As noted on the FAQ page of our website (See Question 5, "Just the Design"), you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer to manage this process yourself.
Step 1: Open Your Letterhead in Adobe Acrobat
Step 2: Add Text Box and Text
To open the editing toolbar showcased below, go to View>Tools>Edit PDF>Open
Select the “Add Text” button on the toolbar. Click and drag the cursor to create a text box. This is where you will insert your resume information.
*Select a text size around 12 point and utilize a standard, streamlined font (such as Minion Pro or Calibri).
*More on font selections below!
Type or copy and paste your resume information from Microsoft Word into the text box. Then, use the text formatting tools on the right-hand column of your screen to give your text the look you want.

FONT GUIDE: Mottona | Trendsetter | Sadhira | Wreath | Bebas Neue | Lane | Open Sans Condensed | Tuffy | Arapey | Jacques Francois | Lora | Fine Style
Trust us, we WISH we could say yes!! However, our formatted resumes are final, print-ready products that are individually handcrafted by our designer. In order for you to edit your own resume after enlisting our professional designer to complete the formatting, you would have to do two things:
- Purchase, install, and learn how to operate professional design software (such as the programs included in the Adobe Creative Suite)
- Purchase and install all of the fonts utilized throughout your design (keep in mind that some of the fonts used by our insanely-talented, award-winning designer cost upwards of $200...per font!)
With that said, we hear you. Panhellenic deadlines often fall well before the end of the school year, meaning that by the end of May you may have accumulated a whole new set of awards and honors! If and when that happens, we recommend doing one of two things:
- OPTION A: Note new accomplishments in your cover letter, and request that alum specifically note them in their letters of recommendation. This is a common practice when GPAs change as well! Already sent out your cover letters? No problem. Notify alum of the changes via phone or email.
- OPTION B: Create a customer account with To do so, click here (or for future reference, navigate to the person icon at the top of our menu bar.) Be sure to utilize the email address associated with your order when creating your account. After registering, you will be able to review your order history and order reprints. Through this portal, we are also able to accommodate additional resume changes requested AFTER final product approval!
We hope this tutorial was helpful! As always, feel free to send us an email with any additional questions!
Our DIY Corjl packets and Word & Pages Resumes Templates are NOW AVAILABLE on and our 5-star rated Etsy shop! Customize and personalize your packet online with no fancy software required. Once perfected, these packets are instantly available to download, print and send on their way via email or standard mail depending on your school’s requirements. Choose your colors, have fun with your design and go digital today!
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