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How to Send a Sorority Packet Electronically

Sending a sorority packet electronically is a quick and easy way to send your information to alum! Although it is still appropriate to send sorority packets through the mail, many sororities are beginning to take a more digital approach. We’re here to help you craft the perfect “Sorority Packet Email” with these helpful tips!

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What's Included in a Recruitment Information Packet?

We know this makes us sound completely old, but “back in the day,” high school seniors gathered letters of recommendation during the summer and sorority recruitment began in the fall. Today, many colleges host orientation events for freshman during the summer months which means that the pre-recruitment process begins much earlier. Other things have changed, too. Instead of asking mom to take a picture by the Crepe Myrtle in the backyard (not that we're speaking from personal experience or anything), senior girls frequently bring special outfits to their senior portrait sessions so that they have the option of including professional prints in their sorority recruitment packets. And instead of mailing a basic cover letter along with SAT scores and academic information, girls are...

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How to Format a Sorority Resume and Cover Letter (plus the cutest free fonts!)

This tutorial/mini Q&A is for two groups of people: 1. Those of you who purchased one of our sorority packet designs but opted to handle the formatting yourself. 2. Those of you who chose to have us format your resume and would like more information about how to reuse your digital design files in the future! Even if you don't belong to one of the two groups we just described, keep reading. We've rounded up some adorable free fonts that you can download for any creative project, from formatting your own sorority resume + cover letter to creating an adorable personal stationery suite...and beyond!  FIRST THINGS FIRST Everyone who purchases one of our complete sorority packets—even those who choose to have us format their resume...

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How to Assemble and Deliver Your Sorority Packets

You've rounded up your resume, completed your cover letters, and finalized your headshot selections. Now it's time to assemble your packets and send them on their way...but you're not exactly sure how to go about doing so. Depending on your personal preferences and the location(s) where your alumnae live, there are a few different ways to deliver your information while ensuring a polished presentation.  One quick note before beginning: If you are working with a local alumnae Panhellenic organization to gather recommendations, be sure to go by the guidelines they give you! Our suggestions are best suited to those of you who will be approaching alumnae directly for RIFs and Letters of Support. 1. Presentation Envelope Only (9" x 11.5") You can select...

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What to Include on a Sorority Resume

We’re continuing our conversation about all things sorority recruitment with today’s post on creating the perfect sorority resume for your sorority packet. If you’re new to the blog and feeling a little overwhelmed by all the Alpha-Delta-Kappa-Panhellenic terminology, be sure to swing by the first installment of our series: The Recruitment Information Packet. All set? Let’s dive right in by breaking down a standard social resume section by section!  HEADER Name Address Home Number Cell Number Email Note: Put your name front and center at the top of your resume and make sure that it stands out. This can be accomplished by bolding your name, increasing the font size, or both! You can also get creative with your font style, but remember...

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Meet Crystal

Hi, I'm Crystal DelaHoz, a senior portrait photographer based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. I launched SororityPackets.com in the spring of 2016 after consulting with countless senior girls and their mommas about the sorority recruitment process. This blog + our entire brand exists to guide you to and through sorority recruitment...no stress required!

Instagram: @sororityscoop