While summer is just beginning, it’s actually the craziest time of the year for us… Recruitment prep season!
Over the past few months, we’ve received more questions about letters of recommendation than ever before. According to the NPC, “a sorority letter of recommendation provides an opportunity for a member of a sorority to introduce a potential new member (PNM) to her organization and a specific chapter on a campus.” We know, it’s confusing, and our blog post featuring our Rec Letters 101 pre-recruitment workbook is a great spot to glean how-to information.

However, a few things have recently changed, and we’re here to give you the full run-down of the Dos and Don'ts of rec letters in this new era of sorority recruitment.
Check it all out below!
DO: Ask women you or your family know personally to submit letters of recommendation.
This one makes a lot of sense when you think about it! The people who genuinely know and care about you are the ones who can share the most impactful information about you, which will provide a sorority more insight into who you really are. Even better: Getting letters from alumni of the chapters of the university you plan to attend. Best: Scoring letters from RECENT alumni of the chapters on your college campus! Just remember that while you can still reach out to Alumnae Panhellenic Organizations for guidance, it is highly recommended that you ONLY request letters of support from personal connections.
DON’T: Send letters of rec to everyone
Sorority letters of recommendation are not required for participation in the recruitment process. The National Panhellenic Council has agreed that letters of rec can be difficult to come by for some and have adjusted requirements so that “a PNM doesn’t experience undue stress or burden to secure letters of recommendation.” While there may be a small group of universities who still recommend or prefer to receive letters of rec, they are not required at this time.
DO: Send your resume and photo headshots to the women writing your letters of rec
If you’re planning on sending letters of recommendation, it’s still important to include your resume and a few photos with your packets. This will allow the woman writing your letter to better understand your accomplishments - even though she should already know you on a personal level! Even if you’re sending a letter of rec electronically, it still makes a big difference to include these items as it makes it easier for alumnae to write you the best rec possible.
DON’T: Provide any sort of compensation for letters of rec
You should never have to provide additional compensation to a sorority alum for a letter of recommendation. This is absolutely against NPC policy and will not be tolerated. However, remember that a thank you letter can go a long way!
For additional information about letters of recommendation, visit the National Panhellenic Council’s website here or here.
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