Everything You Need to Know About Sorority Recruitment
We started sending our Sorority Scoop emails in 2015 with one goal—to guide soon-to-be college freshmen and their mommas to and through the sorority recruitment process, and to do everything we can to make it as stress-free and enjoyable as possible! Since then Sorority Scoop has become so much more than a newsletter. It's now a community of 9,000+ PNMs who receive tips and advice from our team + sorority women from around the country on a weekly basis!
This eBook includes the absolute best of the sorority recruitment information we've gathered after hundreds and hundreds of hours of research and interviews. It's a highlight reel of the emails and blog posts we've put together for our Sorority Scoop members, but it's also more than that—the most in-depth look at the sorority recruitment process we've ever shared. A current, comprehensive guide that goes far beyond all the repeat information circulating on Pinterest. Here's a look at what's inside!
**Last Update: August 2021**
We've got all the essentials: a prep checklist, what to expect during each round of recruitment, an outfit guide detailing what to wear to each rush party, instructions for building your own recruitment week emergency kit. But we've also included so much more: what dirty rush actually looks like (and how you can avoid it), a fresh take on outdated sorority recruitment advice, small talk mistakes to avoid during rush week, alternative recruitment scenarios like Continuous Open Bidding and Snap Bidding, information specific to Deferred/Spring Sorority Recruitment, and completely current advice from sorority women from around the country (current chapter members and recent alum only!).
Why an eBook, you ask? Because—as sorority women ourselves—we've been there.
Fidgeting with our spaghetti straps while standing in line with fifty other girls, wondering if our dress is too formal for an Open House.
Leaving a party after a not-so-great conversation and fighting fears about not ending up in the right place.
Crying happy tears when we opened our bid cards and realized that it really IS possible to find friends through this crazy process called sorority recruitment.
We won't lie: Sorority recruitment isn't the easiest thing you'll ever go through. If you're anything like us, throughout the week you'll think everything from I'm gonna throw up I'm so nervous to I'm laughing so hard I might pee. You'll experience disappointment and excitement side-by-side. You'll make decisions that might lead you down a different path than the one your roommate is taking. In the end, it's our hope that you'll walk away with a community that lasts far longer than the four years you'll spend in college.
Whether you ultimately end up accepting a bid or you decide joining a sorority just isn't for you, however, going through recruitment is an excellent chance to get outside your comfort zone, make new connections, find community, practice those people skills, and get involved on campus right from the start. If you've decided to give it a go, this eBook will give you a comprehensive look at the recruitment process—from what to wear to what to expect at each party, and everything in between!
You will also receive our 4-page Recruitment Notebook as a free digital download with purchase—perfect for taking notes after each round of rush—as well as a recruitment rec letter workbook, deferred recruitment timeline, and an exclusive promo code generously offered by our friends at Not Just Dorms! We also include in your purchase a pdf that outlines updates to sorority recruitment in light of Covid.