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Don't Make These Small Talk Mistakes During Sorority Recruitment

Advice about rush week conversations—questions you might be asked, questions you should be asking, topics that are safe to bring up, topics you definitely shouldn't mention—is all over Pinterest. We already touched briefly on the five "B Words" in the first installment of Rush Advice You Shouldn't Be Taking, and today, we're continuing that conversation by sharing our take on small talk mistakes...and how to avoid them! DON'T MAKE THESE SMALL TALK MISTAKES 1. You fielded a TON of questions and shared a lot about yourself...but you can't remember the name of the person you just spent the last fifteen minutes talking to. You know what almost everyone's favorite talking point is? Themselves. And that includes the sorority women you'll be meeting this fall during rush week!...

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Sorority Rush Advice NOT to Take

We know that many of you are still in the process of sending off your sorority packets and gathering Recs + Letters of Support, which is great! Somehow, though, it is already MID JUNE. Meaning the start of fall recruitment is right around the corner. (What?) With that said, over the next few weeks we'll begin to really dig into the ins and outs of rush week. RUSH ADVICE YOU SHOULDN'T BE TAKING 1. "Avoid bringing up the five 'B Words': Boys, Ballots, Booze, Beliefs, and Bucks." Okay...this is a "yes and no" kind of thing. The "B Words" list—comprised of topics that PNMs should supposedly "never ever discuss" during recruitment week—has been circulating for years now. To be fair,...

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Deferred Recruitment + Rushing as a Sophomore

We've talked a lot about how to create and format a sorority resume + how to assemble and deliver sorority packets. What we haven't talked about yet? Those of you who are doing all of this outside of the "standard" recruitment timeline. So today we're going to touch on two things: rushing as a sophomore and deferred formal recruitment (also known as spring rush).   RUSHING AS AN UPPERCLASSMAN  A question that's been particularly reoccurring in our inboxes lately: "Do I have to use my high school information on my sorority resume, personal stickers, etc?" Our answer: yes and no! If you will be rushing as a sophomore or junior, you will probably still want to include a few of...

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Things to Avoid When Creating Your Sorority Packets + Sorority Resume

Unicorns are hot right now. Like, Lisa Frank in the 90s status hot. But when it comes to creating a sorority packet or sorority resume, we recommend leaving this particular magical creature behind on your design. Don't get us wrong, we're all about originality—we LOVE seeing orders come through for our one-of-a-kind packet designs! And we know that all-unicorn-everything is literally everywhere right now (hello, Starbucks unicorn frappuccino blowing up our Instagram). BUT...the unicorn is also the official symbol of Delta Phi Epsilon. Meaning other houses might read more into your design than you intended, and assume you included the emblem on your rush stationery as a way of showing advance preference for D Phi E. Yikes! Now, we know that very few of you would...

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Meet Crystal

Hi, I'm Crystal DelaHoz, a senior portrait photographer based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. I launched SororityPackets.com in the spring of 2016 after consulting with countless senior girls and their mommas about the sorority recruitment process. This blog + our entire brand exists to guide you to and through sorority recruitment...no stress required!

Instagram: @sororityscoop